About us

The National Academy of Public Administration is the central institution of the system of professional development in public administration of the Republic of Serbia, with the status of officially recognised organiser of informal adult educational activities. It was founded in accordance with the Law on the National Academy of Public Administration (″Official Gazette of the RS“, No 94/2017 as of 19th October 2017) and it started working in January 2018.

By implementing the training programme, and along with using modern forms and methods of work on professional devlopment, the Academy improves the competencies of employees working in public administration, required for good quality of business as usual. This ensures constant improvement of quality of the services provided by public administration to the citizens and business subjects.

Continuous professional development ensures that every employee is always capable of meeting the needs of the citizens and appropriately, efficiently and economically implement regulations without any discrimination and in a standardised manner. Professionalisation and depolitisation of administration are the key reform principles, by which the Academy gives significant contribution by developing and conducting modern training programmes as well as by monitoring the achieved results.

The National Academy of Public Administration follows modern tendencies in HR management with its activities and meets the challenges in the processes of public administration professionalisation. Believing that we can achieve our goals only in a systematic and well planned manner, our activities are genrally directed toward the following:

  • identifying the training needs, according to which priority fields are precisely identifies as well as the target groups of civil servants to whom the professional development is intended,
  • planning and programming general professional development which additionally operationalises content-based, methodological and financial aspects of planned training,
  • organisation and realisation with the objective of comprehensive and detailed preparation and realisation of the professional development programme by the accredited programme implementors,
  • evaluation , the analysis of which provides us with feedback information on the quality of various aspects of realised training courses and their influence on business as usual of civil servants, and
  • reporting, due to which the effects of work become measurable and information transparent and available to the general public.

The Academy cooperates with all bodies and organisations of public administration, via designated representatives or organisational units competent for HR management, as well as with a wide range of reprentatives of professional and academic community, non-governmental organisations and professional associations. This way we ensure that our activities are based on truly determined needs of civil servants and citizens who are users of public services as well as on the achievements of modern practice of professional development and HR management.